Apr International Observatory 2022 in Como, Italy, has been rescheduled

Apr International Observatory 2022 in Como, Italy, has been rescheduled


Safaş Tekstil and Fioretta Home have been chosen again to participate in the 7th edition of International Observatory held simultaneously with the Proposte Fair 2022 in Como, Italy, on April 26-28th.

The International Observatory, as well as the Proposte Fair, used to be organized each year in September. However, due to the ongoing pandemic, the trade shows have been rescheduled to the new dates at the end of April.

The chairman of the Board of Directors of the Proposte Fair, Mr. Piercarlo Viganò, stated that: “This rescheduling will certainly work in favor of the Fair’s success.” He also added that in the last two years the Board of Directors had been able to observe the virus’ behavior during various seasons and they believe that the new dates at the end of April will allow for an event without any disruptions. According to Mr. Piercarlo Viganò, the chosen dates are a period in which world travel should be guaranteed and in which it can be assured that all exhibitors and visitors can meet and do business in full compliance with all anti-Covid regulations (see the official statement here).

After the Proposte Fair 2022 has been rescheduled,  the International Observatory has also adjusted its dates and selected its exhibitors. Each year strict selection criteria in terms of turnover, number of employees, production volumes, quality, price, and innovation are applied to admit the most deserving applicants to be a part of the show.

Fioretta Home will be this year represented by the export manager Fatih Filiz and the fabric designer Emine Özpay. “We decided to apply because the Italian market is one of our main markets and we want to present our newest collection to our main customers. We look forward to our customers’ reaction to our newest designs,” stated his expectations from the exhibition Fatih Filiz. “Subsequently, we would like to develop more patterns and grounds according to our customers’ requests.”

For more information about our participation at the International Observatory, contact Fatih Filiz at +90 5327 781 928 or email us at [email protected].

We will post more updates on our social media so don’t forget to follow us!

Material Bank